Rob actually managed to get a day off from work, so he set about clearing out the archives. This episode was originally recorded in late November 2018.
In this episode of Half-Hour Liberty Hour, Brett and Rob discuss the results of the recent statewide election in Oregon and the local election in Portland (SPOILER ALERT: It went badly for liberty lovers). The guys discuss:
It was almost as if the Dynamically Drunken Duo were looking into a crystal ball in this episode. Since the turn of 2019, the Oregon Democrat Super-Majority has completely gone off the rails. From new taxes, to massive unfunded mandates, to weak PERS reform, to the nation's first statewide rent control law, there is nothing to stop this out-of-control government. Oregon has set its path, possibly irreversibly, toward bankruptcy and economic collapse.
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Nullification by Tom Woods
This Episode's Drink of Choice: Elijah Craig Small Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey